Slow and Steady
The Slowest game in the world
세상에서 가장 느린 게임
It's Free, but are you patient?
무료입니다 하지만 인내심은 챙기셨나요?
The Game of the century
세기의 경기
Turtle VS Rabbit
Who's the winner?
거북이 대 토끼
과연 우승자는 누구?
Name : Mow Mow (모우모우)
Species : The Turtle (거북이)
Favorite : Do something
Hate : Do nothing
Sandol challenge to Mow Mow
to revenge for his grand grand
grand grand grand grand grand
grand grand grand grand grand
grand grand grand grand grand
grand grand grand grand grand
grand grand grand grand father.
Name : Sandol (산돌)
Species : The Rabbit (토끼)
"The rival of Mow Mow."
He is ready to win
Imagine and Guess the story of the Slow and steady!!
Name : Nurung (누렁이)
Species : The Dog (개)
"He drinks 40L of water everyday..."
Name : Shin Podo (신포도)
Species : The Fox (여우)
"He is so handsome and sexy...
but not good at music"
Name : Wiki (위키)
Species : Kiwi (키위새)
Photoeditor : "Please Stop! Wiki!"
He has too much confidence on his Butt...
Name : Shhhhhh (스흐흐흐흐흐흐)
Species : Cobra (코브라)
She comes from Egypt to watch the game.
C U T E .
Name : Yonsei (연세)
Species : Goose (거위)
Small and Cute.
Name : Wang Bau (왕바우)
Species : Horse (말)
She is pacemaker of Sandol.
Name : Girin (기린)
Species : Giraffe (기린)
The sad animal because of the long neck.
Name : Bridge (브릿지)
Species : Alligator (악어)
"Altrusim is important, so i become a bridge."
Name : Hanwoo (한우)
Species : Bull (황소)
"Nasdaq is always going up."
Behold the King
Name : Ryan (라이언)
Species : Lion (사자)
"I'm not a bear"
Name : ZeroCoke (제로코크)
Species : Hippo (하마)
"It's not a selfie!"